As the second half of financial year unfolds, taxpayers may be exploring ways to reduce their tax liabilities before June 2024. One often overlooked avenue for tax savings lies within the superannuation system, specifically through the strategic utilisation of unused concessional super contribution caps.

 What are  Concessional Super Contributions

Concessional super contributions, commonly known as before-tax contributions, include employer contributions, salary sacrifice contributions, and personal contributions claimed as a tax deduction. For 2024 the concessional contribution cap is $27,500.

The Benefit of Unused Contribution Caps:

One of the lesser-known features of the superannuation system is the ability to carry forward any unused portion of the concessional contribution cap. This means that if you haven’t fully utilised your caps in previous years, you can carry forward the unused amount for up to five years.

Concessional contribution caps for the last 5 years were:

  • 2023 $27500
  • 2022 $27,500
  • 2021 $25,000
  • 2020 $25,000
  • 2019 $25,000

How it Works

Utilising unused concessional contribution caps strategically can yield significant tax savings, particularly during high-income years. Here’s how it works:

  1. Assess Unused Caps: Begin by reviewing your contribution history over the past five years. Identify any years where you didn’t use up your full cap of your concessional contributions. caps.
  2. Calculate Carry Forward Amount: Determine the cumulative unused amount from previous years. Remember that contributions made since July 1, 2019, can be carried forward.
  3. Evaluate Your Current Tax Situation: Assess your current taxable income and tax obligations for the financial year. Identify opportunities where reducing taxable income could result in lower tax liabilities or eligibility for tax offsets.
  4. Contribute Strategically: If you anticipate a higher income year or wish to minimise your taxable income, consider making additional concessional contributions up to the carried forward amount.

This can be achieved through salary sacrifice arrangements, personal deductible contributions, or employer contributions.

Note: Caution: your total super balance must be under $500,000 as  at 30 June 2023 to use the carry forward unused balances.

  1. Monitor Contribution Limits: Ensure that your total concessional contributions, including both current and carried forward amounts, do not exceed the relevant contribution cap for the financial year to avoid excess contribution penalties.

What are the Key Benefits of Utilising Unused Caps

  • Tax Savings – By reducing your taxable income through additional concessional contributions, you can potentially lower your overall tax liabilities.
  • Superannuation Growth – Increasing your super contributions can accelerate the growth of your retirement savings, leading to greater financial security in the future.
  • Flexibility – The ability to carry forward unused caps provides flexibility in managing your super contributions, allowing you to align your strategies with your financial goals and circumstances.

Important Information

Seek advice before implementing any contribution strategy. It’s crucial to seek advice from a financial advisor or tax professional. They can provide personalised guidance based on your individual circumstances.

While utilising unused caps can provide immediate tax benefits, it’s essential to consider the long-term implications on your retirement savings and overall financial plan.

Superannuation laws change regularly, and it is important to stay informed about any legislative changes that may affect superannuation rules and contribution limits.

Maximising unused concessional super contribution caps presents a valuable opportunity for individuals to reduce their tax liabilities and bolster their retirement savings. By strategically leveraging this feature of the superannuation system, individuals can optimize their financial outcomes while working towards long-term financial security.

In the ever-evolving landscape of personal finance and taxation, being proactive and informed about available strategies can pave the way for a brighter financial future. So, as you embark on your tax planning journey in 2024, consider unlocking the potential of unused super contribution caps to secure tax savings and build a stronger financial foundation.

How can we help?

If you have any questions or would like further information or you are seeking property tax advice, please feel free to contact our office via email – or phone 02 9299 7000 to either speak with someone or arrange a time for a meeting so we can discuss your requirements in more detail.

You can arrange a free 15 minute no obligation chat to discuss your options. Please arrange an appointment with our office by clicking here

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